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What are the Top programming languages ?

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Python is a programming language that has been constantly positioned in recent years. It has a notable presence in the technologies that are produced today, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data and robotics, among many other software. According to python training in Bangalore, It is characterized by the ease of its learning, so it serves as an introductory language for beginners and complements the knowledge of the most experienced. Python training in Bangalore is the best way to learn the technology from scratch like a pro under the guidance of industry certified experts.

Ruby is a programming language that is fun, so programmers love to code with it. It is a very high-level language, which allows handling most of the complex details of the machine to quickly build something from scratch with fewer lines of code.

Other popular programming languages ​​that you must learn in 2019 are Rust, sponsored by Mozilla with extensive use and performance; Elixir, I use mainly in web development; Scala, a scalable language that continues to position itself; and R, ideal for data scientists who do statistics, graphical representation, and analysis. The popularity of programming languages ​​depends on the demands of work in the technological world. Mastering the most requested languages ​​means greater opportunities to get a job.

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If your goal is to make a web application, you must learn JavaScript. There are other technologies that you must learn, such as HTML that will serve as a structure for the interface. Keep in mind that HTML is a markup language, not programming. With it, we can put titles, bold, underline, links ... etc. To give styles (colors, dimensions) we will use CSS. If you need your application to generate pages dynamically, requesting and managing data from your users, you must learn languages ​​from what is called back-end.

These server-side languages ​​will search the database for the information we are looking for and display it in the interface that the user sees. An example of the language could be PHP, although Python (using Django) or Ruby (using Ruby on Rails) among others, are also other valid options. In Skylab Coders, we choose NodeJS, since we take advantage of the knowledge acquired with JavaScript in the front-end to manage the server part.