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What is a programming language?

· IT Consulting

To define in a simple way what a programming language is, we will define each word; Language is a form or communication system and programming is the procedure of writing the source code of a software or program a programming language is a formal language that specifies a series of instructions for a computer or computer to produce various kinds of data. According to Python training institute in Bangalore If we take into account that today's programming can affect different types of devices from computers, mobile devices such as smart phones or tablets, televisions, refrigerators and other electronic devices, the truth is that the definition of Wikipedia is a bit outdated, especially in the devices to which it can be applied. According to Python training institute in Bangalore, One of the characteristics of the Python language is that it is designed under the premise that explicit statements are always better than implicit statements.

That means that all Python programs are very clear when communicating to the programmer exactly what is happening in the program, without the need to write comments. The fact that the programming language forces the programmers to indent the code, makes the programs look organized and be able to immediately detect which set of instructions are independent of another set of instructions. Another of Python's philosophies is that ideally there must be one, and only one, way of doing things. That is a great advantage for people who are starting, since there is no room for language ambiguities’ / C ++. At the end of this list not because they are difficult to learn - after all I learned to program in C when I was 12 years old.

However, they are relatively harder to learn than Python. To start both languages ​​are strong typing, so compilers force programmers to declare the type of variables they will use in their programs. Since both programming languages ​​offer mechanisms to control the computer directly, the programmer ideally needs to know how a computer works in its entirety in order to take advantage of C / C ++. For example, it is very useful to know perfectly how RAM works, so that you can make efficient use of the pointers in C. The pointers in C are used to read and write directly to the memory of your computer, which It is often a two-edged sword. However, in my opinion I think that anyone who wants to devote himself to Software Engineering professionally, at some point in his career he has to write programs in C. While not full-time, at least not to ignore the existence and operation of these languages. Although both languages ​​are the parents of many modern languages, there is still much to learn from these wonderful pieces of technology.