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Why look for BPA-free filter bottles?

· lifestyle

You will find that many bottles of water focus on the benefit that they are free of BPA. This is a chemical that was once added to all kinds of plastic items, including baby items. However, since then it has been discovered that BPA is a dangerous chemical and some governments have even banned its use in all plastic articles.

BPA means bisphenol-A and was discovered in the 1890s. It was not until the 1950s that scientists realized that the chemical would make certain elements stronger. It was added to all types of products to help improve durability, which now makes sense why plastic bottles and children's products were added to them. Of course, items such as canned goods and feminine hygiene products also had the chemical added to them!

The idea was that the chemical would improve the durability of the product. It would mean a lower cost for the consumer and for the manufacturer, so they will all save money.

This was at a time when no one really knew the dangers. And to be honest, do we really care about the dangers? Even now there are people who will not see the dangers because they want to focus on cheaper products.

The main problem is that BPA can leave the products. It is a type of resin, which means that it can be filtered and enter the body. This may be only trace amounts in some cases, but there is no guarantee that it will be a tiny amount and not a problem! In studies, it has been found that those who had canned soup with the chemical had a urine count that was more than 1000% higher in BPA than those who did not have the canned soup.

BPA breaks down and begins to mimic estrogen. While this is a female hormone, it is also found in men, and therefore BPA is dangerous for everyone. BPA also binds to estrogen receptors and can influence all kinds of processes. It affects the deadly development, cell repair, energy levels and even reproduction. It can connect to the thyroid, which means that it also affects the function of the thyroid.

Only the slightest hormonal imbalance can cause problems for general health. It makes sense why BPA scares scientists so much. It can affect so much, especially when the body is still developing. The idea of ​​putting it in bottles and affecting the babies and children that are still developing is a scary thought.

The research currently has not shown all the important side effects that worry scientists. However, this is a case in which researchers and governments would prefer to be sure that they are repentant.

So, it may not be so dangerous, but do you really want to risk it?

Unfortunately, manufacturers must find other ways to make <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->filtered water bottles more durable. This can lead to the addition of other chemicals, and scientists are still working on the investigation of these chemicals and the effects they have on the human body.