The phenomenon of osmosis is based on the search for balance. When two fluids are contacted with different concentrations of dissolved solids they will mix until the concentration is uniform. If these fluids are separated by a permeable membrane (which allows the passage of one of the fluids through it), the fluid that will move through the membrane will be the one with the lowest concentration, so that it passes to the fluid with the highest concentration.
The reverse osmosis is literally a filtering system water works by using pressure. With the force of this pressure, the water is conducted through a semipermeable membrane, from a less concentrated solution to a salt solution to balance the concentrations. Modern filtering systems like home filtering systems,water filter bottle,water pitchers ....were developed using this system.Thus, the separation of pure water from any contaminant occurs. Some elements contained in water, such as lead, chlorine or possible viruses and bacteria, are eliminated.
Therefore, we can say that it is the most effective and natural water purification process. Hence, it is so well known and, above all, so widely used.
After a while the water content will be higher on one side of the membrane. The height difference between both fluids is known as Osmotic Pressure.
A reverse osmosis membrane is composed of different layers of poly-amide through which the street water is filtered to obtain a water with a low salt content and free of viruses and bacteria. The pores of the poly amide layers filter up to 0.0001 micron.
What is the inverse osmosis?
If a pressure higher than the osmotic pressure is used, the opposite effect occurs. The fluids are pressed through the membrane, while the dissolved solids are left behind.
To purify the water, we need to carry out the process opposite to that of conventional osmosis, this is what is known as Reverse Osmosis. It is a process with membranes. To force the passage of the water found in the brine stream to the stream of water with low salt concentration, it is necessary to pressurize the water to a higher value than the osmotic pressure. Therefore, to this process, the brine will concentrate more.
Water flows from a column with a low content of dissolved solids to a column with a high concentration of dissolved solids.
2. The osmotic pressure is applied to prevent water from flowing through the membrane and thus create a balance.
3. To reach a pressure higher than the osmotic pressure, the water must flow in the opposite direction. Water flows from the column with a high content of dissolved solids to the column with low dissolved solids content.