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What to bring in your backpack for a week's trek?

· lifestyle

Holidays are coming, and many have in mind to go on excursions, but not everyone knows what they must take to make the experience safe and not become a bad memory.

There is very little for Easter and many already make plans to enjoy those holidays and take advantage of the autumnal weather to perform outdoor activities such as trekking or hiking. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the precautions that must be taken for the practice of these disciplines and less what elements should be taken to deal with the problems put by the route or the geographical area to be covered.

Tent with double roof. Check well before leaving that it has no holes in the ceiling or on the floor. If you have doubts about the sealing of the floor, take a plastic cover to put between the floor and the tent. If you rent the material, check also that all the pieces are (pikes, armors, etc.)

Trekking mattress, not only for your comfort but also to isolate you from the cold of the ground. I can attest that this is important.

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Sleeping bag: preferably with a hood, so as not to waste the heat. With a bag of 0 to +5 degrees is enough for most of the trekking of the Cordillera Blanca in Peru. If you deviate and reach higher levels it is advisable to bring a good bag of feathers.

Purifying water tablets to purify at least 3 liters per day per person, and more in case of hot weather. better to carry one water bottle with filter with you, it can filter any kind of water instantly at any time with its pre-installed filter on it.

For food, the selection and quantity will depend on each one. However, the following general tips can be useful:

Pasta is ideal as a dietary basis during sports. Take extra thin spaghetti preferably. With the height, the pasta takes much longer to cook and using extra thin spaghetti reduces this cooking time. Cover the pot (e.g. with a plate) when it heats the water, it will reach the boiling point faster.

  • Avoid cooking rice in height, it does not work out well.
  • Calculate accurately what they carry with food. Walking hungry is unpleasant and even dangerous and food that is left over is an unnecessary burden.
  • Do not hesitate to salt your food a lot to recover the minerals lost by perspiration.
  • Nuts and chocolates are ideal for their nutritional value and low weight.
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What to bring to eat hot in the mountains

If you want to eat / drink hot:

  • Gas stove: Carrying A small stove for camping or trekking will help you to prepare food any time you want. because it is very comfortable to carry to any place.
  • Camping gas balloons (1 bottle of 500 ml is valid for 4 preparations of 500 gr of pasta approximately).
  • Lighter or matches.
  • Plate (preferably in plastic), fork, spoon, cup (preferably in plastic).
  • Detergent (preferably not harmful to the environment).
  • Dish wash sponge